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Saône to Rhône is the new interdisciplinary research project of the Juste 2°C organization. A field campaign that will take place along the Saône and the Rhône is planned for March 2024.

Our project aims to combine research and education by offering the possibility of making stopovers, meet the schools located along the route and will be monitored throughout the year. The educational project is designed in connection with the school program.

We work closely with teachers to create educational materials on the subject of environmental science, most of these resources will be available online for free.

Educational goals

  • Promote the discovery of the Environment by the student (through the study of waterways and wetlands).

  • Present the diversity of the scientific world (scientific disciplines, professions, tools) through the experience of the students carrying out the project.

  • Mobilize students in a science project.

  • Encourage students to develop an interdisciplinary approach to scientific issues.

Here you can find the brochure summarizing the educational project:

Do you want to join the educational project?

You can find the tracking form to access our exchange platform with the teaching staff:

Thank you for your participation !

ATTENTION: If you are surprised by the lack of feedback from us over a long period, remember to check your spam!

Ressources péda

Educational resources

Student and research project presentation sheets (in french only)

Saôny et Rhônald, deux adorables castors en peluche, se présentent et racontent ce qu'ils vont faire sur un bateau pendant quatre mois.

Ideas for activities to introduce our research themes and apply a scientific approach

A quelques semaines du départ : quel matériel faut-il penser à mettre dans sa valise quand on est scientifique ? Un jeu avec des étiquettes à replacer pour s'approprier les protocoles de terrain des quatre étudiant·es-chercheur·ses

Discover the diversity of plastics in our daily lives, observe, hypothesise and experiment with what happens to them in the environment, and study plastic pollution in the local area.

Using the landscape sketch as a starting point, take a fresh look at the river near your home and study the landscape and its development in the manner of geographers.

A l'aide d'un jeu de "Qui est-ce ?", découvrir les métiers des fleuves en devinant le métier choisi par son adversaire

Mettez-vous dans la peau d'un.e naturaliste et apprenez à identifier des végétaux

Des coloriages pour mieux visualiser le projet et s'amuser  
Suivez le journal de bord !

Chaque vendredi, un journal de bord retraçant les aventures de l'équipe, accompagnée bien sûr de Saôny et Rhônald, est publié. Il se passe toujours plein de choses !

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