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This page is used to share all the content produced around the project. Do not hesitate to contribute to its development! We will regularly highlight projects that have been shared with us, and that can inspire you in yours!
In particular for the Nursery - Primary cycles:

And also for the College - High School cycles:
In addition, we provide Frequently Asked Questions thanks to the many discussions around the project that we have already had with children and adults.

If you can not find your answer, do not hesitate to ask us your question, we will be happy to answer you!

The students also created a weather station, consisting of a thermometer, an air sleeve and even a rain gauge!

The pupils of Les Martinets kindergarten have created an ice floe with many different species of animals. They were very creative with the different techniques used to create penguins! For example by recycling toilet paper rolls or fabric threads. 




Media libraryof


The Bourg-Saint-Maurice media library exhibited several works and projects by students from the region. Drawings, collages, information panels and even models of the pack ice, it's all there! 
A beautiful exhibition on the theme of the expedition!

Erzach School

Koestlach (Alsace)

The CP and CE1 - CE2 classes of the Erzach school show you all the projects they have done around the tracking of the expedition in this video!

They first created models of each scientist, laboratories or rooms. They then produced two large illustrated "Alphabets of Antarctica".

But listen instead to the children talking about their projects themselves!

  Daudet nursery school

The middle section class of the Daudet nursery school wrote and illustrated a nursery rhyme "Emocean" which talks about the environment.

The children expressed themselves through colors linked to emotions, which were then the subject of colored panels.

They also translated the nursery rhyme into all the languages spoken by the families to form a multilingual nursery rhyme!

Did you recognize a familiar face?

Orgon elementary school

Lili, the penguin from elementary school in Orgon wrote a letter to her friends on the expedition Jojo and Coco!

International center
from Valbonne

The high school students of the Center International de Valbonne have collected information on the southern continent which they have brought together in this rich document where you can find both myths, history and data on the evolution of temperatures. of Antarctica (click the PDF!) 

We thank all the teachers and classes for creating and sharing these scientific and creative projects!


We also provide a Frequently Asked Questions section fueled by the many exchanges around the project that we have already had with both children and adults.


If you do not find your answer, do not hesitate to ask us your question, we will be happy to answer you!

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