Just 2.0°C is an association whose objective is to support and promote projects involvingScientific Research, sensitization and citizens initiatives on the effects of climate change and anthropization.
It thus aims to promote the dissemination of scientific culture in environmental sciences and its appropriation by as many people as possible through interdisciplinary research campaigns linking laboratories, teachers, technical and industrial scientific culture centers (CSTI) and communities.
Our future project
Starting from the top of the Saone to the delta of the Rhone, this new project aims, through 6 research themes, to measure and understand the anthropogenic impacts on French waterways. A participatory science component to collect data from other French rivers will be implemented on this project.

The first expedition

Antarctique 2.0°C was the first project supported by juste 2.0°C. The project aims to raise awareness and link scientific, educational, economic and cultural players on the subject of the preservation of marine and coastal ecosystems in the Atlantic and Antarctica.
The project involved a data collection campaign onboard a sailboat fitted out as a scientific laboratory from the French coast to the Antarctic Peninsula between September 2021 and May 2022.
Carried out in collaboration with French and international research laboratories, Antarctique 2.0°C was also intended to be an educational mission and to raise public awareness on the challenges of protecting threatened ecosystems .