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Biology of penguin populations: Lana's scientific approach
Study the distribution of penguin breeding sites in the Antarctic Peninsula
Antarctica is home to several penguin species . There are four of them: emperor penguins, chinstrap penguins, gentoo penguins and Adelie penguins. These animals, like many species in Antarctica, are threatened by climate change and human impact on ecosystems . For example, rising sea levels as a result of climate change could lead to a decrease in available space. Another example, greater snowmelt could accentuate gullying. All these land modifications could have consequences on the occupation of space by the penguins .
Lana wants to study and predict the impact of climate change on the spatial organization of penguin colonies and interspecific relationships.
The document with the complete protocol illustrated:
Sound activity and necessary sound files:
The associated image bank:

Marine biogeochemistry: Clément's scientific approach
Ocean water contains dolphins, fish, algae, … but also microscopic organisms , on which Baptiste is working. We also talk about plankton. To live and reproduce, these small organisms need light, to exchange oxygen and CO2 with their environment, nutrients such as nitrates, but also nutrients in very small quantities, for example iron . They can come from continental rocks, penguin colonies, or be brought by sea currents. These elements can be found in water in the form of free ions but most of the time they are bound to molecules, to form complexes . These molecules that can be made by plankton and end up in the water are called ligands and are essential for ecosystems to use iron. The supply of a nutrient (such as iron), when it is limiting, allows an ecosystem to grow and is called fertilization .
The document with the complete protocol illustrated - and the riddles:
The associated image bank and sound file:
The video referred to in the document:

Microbiology: Baptiste's scientific approach
In Antarctica, on the surface of the sea, living beings float in the sea water and are moved by the currents. Invisible to the naked eye, they are born, die, multiply and evolve: these are microplankton . These small microbes play a big role: some are able to capture the CO2 present in seawater and use it to grow. These microbes carry out photosynthesis : they use the energy of light to carry out specific chemical reactions and feed in particular on CO2. But these living beings do not only feed on CO2: they also need other nutrients . Nutrients are all the chemical compounds that are used by living things to sustain themselves.
The document with the complete protocol illustrated - and the riddles:
The document with temperature and latitude data:
Additional files:
Nutrients are abundant in the Southern Ocean. However, some nutrients are less present than others. This is the case with trace metals , such as iron, which Clément studies. These metals are called "traces" because only traces are found in seawater, they are present in very small quantities in seawater compared to other nutrients. On the other hand, they are very important for microbes. Indeed, they are among other things in the composition of the machinery used by microbes to recover CO2 and carry out photosynthesis! It has been shown that in Antarctica, these trace metals limit the growth, biodiversity and abundance of microbes.